Glory Offset Press: a company that cares

Glory Offset is a family-owned company and we instill family culture to our staffs and workers. We believe it is one of the fundamental factors in building a strong team and maintaining a positive workplace. Because as the company continues to grow, more challenges, conflicts, and problems arise.
Going Green
We love our environment and we believe it is our duty to protect it if we plan to keep it for the future. All liquid and solid waste are picked up and treated by a professional waste treatment company. Our company has also acquired ISO 14001:2004 as a proof of our commitment in supporting the conservation of the environment.
Green in every color imaginable!
While many merely think "Green," we've been doing our share for many years, from recycling to using environmentally friendly materials and recycled paper.
Every department is setup to be as environmentally friendly as possible. From printing plates to inks, from waste management to recyclying and everything ibetween, PT. Glory Offset Press has committed to being green since 2008 and we are contstantly perfecting our methods to ensure we stay on Mother Nature's good side.
ISO 14001-2004 Certification
PT. Glory Offset Press is a member of the ISO 14001-2004, the only certification system supported by all major environmental groups. ISO 14001 certification assures consumers that the product comes from elements that meet the social, economic and ecological needs of present and future generations.
Safe Printing Inks
Currently over 95% of our printing inks are purchased from a company that supplies us with inks low in VOCs (Volitile Organic Compounds) which minimizes Heavy Elements and maximizes the use of renewable resources such as linseed oil.
We Recycle
We've been recycling from day one because our entire workflow at PT. Glory Offset Press is committed to sustainability. Whether it is the simple process of recycling paper, use of environmentally friendly material or disposal of chemicals in a responsible manner, we have an extensive recycling program in place – including respoinsible disposal of all paper, plastic (PVC, shrink wrap, plastic banding), metal banding, ink cans, ink and toner cartridges. Even the chemicals from PT. Glory Offset Press are recycled. Waste press chemicals are shipped offsite by a licensed waste carrier and used in a lubricant recycling program.
Direct to Plate
PT. Glory Offset Press uses the "computer-to-plate" method which eliminates the need for films and some of the more hazardous chemicals of the past. our equipment and plate production methods also result in a drastic reduction in power andwater consumption.
To Serve and to Print
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Brush & Quill Productions